Invited Keynote Speaker

  1. Mantoro T., "The 2016 National Symposium on Microwave, Antennas and Propagation, SMAP 2016), entitled "INA-MIMO: Developing Scalable and Economical 5G Wireless Building Block For Massive Broadband Connectivity", 15 December 2016, National University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  2. Mantoro T., "The First Meeting of Institute of Indonesian Informatics Expert (Rakornas Pertama Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia - IAII) 2016, entitled "Urgency Vocational Education and Profession in Information Technology Field (Urgensi Pendidikan Vokasi dan Profesi di Bidang Informatika)", 29 November 2016, Kampus Pelita Bangsa, Bekasi, Indonesia.
  3. Mantoro T., "National Seminar on Informatic Engineering and Computing (Seminar Nasional Teknik Informatika dan Komputer) 2016, SNTIK 2016), entitled "Building the ICT Curriculum in Producing Productive, Creative, Innovative and Competitive Workers in Asean Free Market (Membangun Kurikulum TIK yang Menghasilkan Pekerja yang Produktif, Kreatif, Inovatif dan Kompetitif di Pasar Bebas Asean)", 03 November 2016, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, UI-Depok, Indonesia.
  4. Mantoro T., "4th International Conference on Information Technology for Cyber IT Service Management 2016 (CITSM 2016), "Context Aware Computing: IoT enabler for Connected Living", Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, 18-20 May, 2016, Bandung, Indonesia.
  5. Mantoro T., "The 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Engineering Application (ICIBA) 2016, "IoT: the Foundational Infrastructure for Smart Environment", Universitas Bina Dharma, 19-20 February 2016, Palembang, Indonesia.
  6. Mantoro T., "The Prevention of Web Attack Using Reverse Proxy Server and Prevention Strategies using Logs Visualization (Penanggulangan Serangan Web Menggunakan Reverse Proxy Server dan Strategi Pencegahan berdasarkan Visualisasi Logs)", 2015 Seminar Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi (SETISI 2015), Universitas Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia, 9 April 2015.
  7. Mantoro T., "Visualizing Near Optimal Solution for Rubik’s Cube Problems in 2D and 3D Models". The First International Conference on Advanced Research in ICT (ARICT'14) 18-20 October, 2014 in Duhok, Kursidtan Region, Iraq. This conference was postponed until further notice.
  8. Mantoro T., "IoT: Emerging Trend of Sensing, Computing and Communication", The 2nd International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2014, 28-30 May 2014, in Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel Bandung, Indonesia.
  9. Mantoro T., "Surelator: Machine Translation of English and Bahasa Indonesia based on Sequence Optimum Quality Translation Variables". The 2013 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT-2013), 16-18 June 2013, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Invited Commencement Speaker

  1. Mantoro T., “Peran dan Tantangan Teknologi Informasi di Era Disruption (The Role and Challenges of Information Technology in the Era of Disruption)” Graduation Ceremony XI, STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta, TMII, Jakarta, Indonesia, 20 January 2018.
  2. Mantoro T., "Improving the Work Competency of Human Resources through KKNI and SKKNI in the Economic Asian Community Era (Peningkatan Kompetensi Kerja SDM melalui KKNI dan SKKNI Dalam Era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean)", Graduation Ceremony XXII, STMIK Bina Insani, Bekasi, Indonesia, 21 May 2016.
  3. Mantoro T., "The role of Indonesian Qualification Framework and Indonesian Standard Qualification Job Placement/Work in Facing the Economic Asian Community Era (Peranan KKNI dan SKKNI Dalam Memasuki Era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean)", Graduation Ceremony XXIII, STMIK Bani Saleh, Bekasi, Indonesia, 28 February 2015.
  4. Mantoro T., "Developing the Culture of DJITU (Discipline, Truth, Knowledge, Devotion, and Persistence) in order to Increase Indonesian Human Resouces Quality [Mengembangkan Budaya DJITU (Disiplin, Jujur, Ilmu, Takwa dan Ulet) Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu SDM Berbasis Vokasi]", Graduation Ceremony X, Politeknik Harapan Bersama-Tegal, Hotel Bahari, Tegal, 11 November 2014.
  5. Mantoro T., "Indonesian Quality Framework (KKNI) on Improving the Quality of Educational Resources in Indonesia [Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Mutu Sumber Daya di Indonesia]", Graduation Ceremony IX, STMIK IKMI-Cirebon, Grage Hotel, Cirebon, 14 December 2013.
  6. Mantoro T., "Welcoming the Independent and Competitive IT Generation to the Mobile Computing Era [Menyongsong Generasi IT yang Mandiri dan Berdaya Saing di Era Mobile Computing]", Graduation IX, STMIK Atma Luhur, Novotel Bangka Golf & Convention Center, Pangkal Pinang, 15 December 2012.

Invited Speaker

  1. Mantoro T., "Securing Web Servers by Visualizing Log of Reverse Proxy Server" APNIC 40 (Conference on Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre)in Jakarta, 3-10 September 2015.
  2. Mantoro T., deliver a demo entitled "SURELATOR: A Tool that Gives a Quality Translation", ICT4D 49 (International Conference on Information and Communication technologies and Development, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, (15-18 May 2015).
  3. Mantoro T., "Interactive Peer-Tracking Framework for Hajj Pilgrims", ICANN Meeting 49 (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), in Raffles City Convention Center, Singapore, (23-28 March 2014).
  4. Mantoro T., "Searching for a Reliable Emergency Communication Infrastructure Model Between Rescue Team and Victims during Disasters", APRICOT 2014 (Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies),Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, (18-28 Feb 2014).

Patents Filing

  1. Malaysian Patent Filing No. PI: 2010 001453, "iLukBa: Indoor hybrid user location method and environment response using voice for Smart Environment", by Teddy Mantoro and Media A. Ayu, processing through Trademark2u Sdn Bhd. (http.://, (10 July 2009: First Draft, 30 March 2010: Final Specification, 1 April 2010: Submission).
  2. Malaysian Patent Filing No. PI: 2010 005585, "iSpeechNews: A Real Time Speech News Service for Ubiquitous Computing Environment", by Teddy Mantoro, Media A. Ayu and Abi Dzar Jaafar, processing through Norizan Technology Sdn Bhd (, (11 August 2009: First Draft, 18 October 2010: Final Specification, 25 November 2010: Submission).
  3. Malaysian Patent Filing No. PI: 2011 001095, "VisUN-3D: Visualization of User Navigation Using 3D Maps in Virtual 3D Walk-spaces for Mobile User", by Teddy Mantoro, and Media A. Ayu, Patent Novelty Search and Patent Filing by KASS International Sdn. Bhd. (2 February 2010, Ref. No.: IIUM/504/RES/G/14/4/1/PT/MTE17: First Draft, 16 February 2011: Final Specification, 11 March 2011: Submission)
  4. MyIPO patent Filing UI: 2012 000293 "HajjLocator: a Tracking System for Hajj Pilgrim", 14 February 2011, Ref. No.: IIUM/504/IC/14/9/1/MTE20, by Teddy Mantoro, Media A. Ayu, Murni Mahmud, Moha Asri Abdullah. Patent Novelty Search and Patent Filing by Norunnuha Sdn. Bhd. (2nd March 2011, Ref. No.: IIUM/504/RES/G/14/4/02). Final submission to MyIPO: 20 January 2012.
  5. Patent filing in process: "Online Authentication Using Smart Card Technology in a Mobile Phone Infrastructure", 14 February 2011, Ref. No.: IIUM/504/IC/14/9/1/MTE21, by Teddy Mantoro, Media A. Ayu, Admir Milisic.
  6. Patent filing in process: "Multi-languages Searching Method for Client-Server Quran Translation in Mobile Devices", 14 February 2011, Ref. No.: IIUM/504/IC/14/9/1/MTE19, by Teddy Mantoro , Media A. Ayu, Merdin Mercic.

Journal Papers

  1. Ramdhani, M. A. Maylawati D.S., Mantoro T., “Indonesian news classification using convolutional neural network”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 19, No. 2, August 2020, pp. 1093-1102 (Scopus Q3).
  2.  Pratama, S.E., Darmalaksana, W., Maylawati, D.S., Sugilar, H., Mantoro, T., Ramdhani, M.A. Weighted inverse document frequency and vector space model for hadith search engine, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 18 (2), pp. 1004-1014, 2020 (Scopus Q3).
  3. Andriyandi, A.P., Darmalaksana W., Maylawati D.S. Irwansyah F.S., Mantoro T., Ramdhani M.A., Augmented Reality Using Features Accelerated Segment Test for Learning Tajweed, Telkomnika; Vol 18, No.1, 2 Feb 2020, pp. 208~216 (Scopus Q2).
  4. Ayu M. A., Mantoro T., Priyatna, I.M.A., Advanced watermarking technique to improve medical images’ security, Telkomnika; Vol 17, No.5, pp.2684~2696, October 2019 (Scopus Q2)
  5. Olowolayemo, A., Mantoro, T. Human linguistic perception of distances for location-aware systems, International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, 10 (2), pp. 19-41, 2019 (Scopus Q3).
  6. Suryono, S., Khuriati, A., Mantoro, T. A Fuzzy Rule-based Fog–Cloud Computing for Solar Panel Pisturbance Investigation, Cogent Engineering, 6 (1), 2019 (Scopus Q2).
  7. Ayu, M.A., Wijaya, S.S., Mantoro, T. An automatic lexicon generation for Indonesian news sentiment analysis: A case on governor elections in Indonesia, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 16 (3), pp. 1555-1561, 2019  (Scopus Q3).
  8. Kurnianingsih, Allehaibi, K.H.S., Nugroho, L.E., Widyawan, Lazuardi, L., Prabuwono, A.S., Mantoro, T. Segmentation and classification of cervical cells using deep learning, (2019) IEEE Access, 7, pp. 116925-116941, 2019, (Scopus Q1).
  9. Priyatna, I.M.A., Ayu, M.A., Mantoro, T., Performance analysis of lossless compression algorithms on medical images, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 769, pp. 177-186, 2019  (Scopus Q3).
  10. S. J. Putra, M. N Gunawan, T. Mantoro, I. Khalil, Optimizing Text Categorization for Indonesian Text using Clustering Label Technique, Submitted to Jurnal Teknologi (UTM), April 2018 (under review-Scopus Q3).
  11. Y. Anggraini, T. Mantoro, M. A. Ayu, Optimizing the Performance of Text File Compression Using a Combination of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), Move-to-Front (MTF) and Shannon-Fano Algorithms, Accepted to be published in WSEAS Transactions On Computers, April 2018 (Scopus Q3) . 
  12. Kurnianingsih, L. E. Nugroho, Widyawan, L. Lazuardi, A. S. Prabuwono, T. Mantoro, Personalized Adaptive System for Elderly Care in Smart Home Using Fuzzy Inference System, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (IJPCC), Vol 14, issue 3, pp.210-232, November 2018 (Scopus Q3) .
  13. M. A. Ayu, T.Mantoro, J. Asian, Quality Translation Enhancement Using Sequence Knowledge and Pruning in Statistical Machine Translation, Telkomnika, Vol 16, No 2, April 2018. index.php/TELKOMNIKA/article/view/8687) (Scopus Q3).
  14. M. Wahdeen, S. Chuprat and Mantoro T., Utilization of Mobile Phone Sensors for Complex Human Activity Recognition,  Advanced Science Letter, (I4CT'16) Vol 23, No 2, Feb 2017. pp. 5466-5471.
  15. T. Mantoro, Dian Fitriani, Wendi Usino, Media A. Ayu,  Rusdah, The Use of Learning Management System (LMS) for College Students to Become an Active Learner: Constructivism View, Advanced Science Letter (ICOED‘16), Volume 23, Number 2, Feb 2017. Available on
  16. T. Mantoro, Putri Utami, Ratna Dewanti, Wahdi S. A. Yudhi, Media A. Ayu, Personal and Technology-Related Characteristics of EFL Teachers Concerning the Use of Emerging Technologies in Education, Advanced Science Letter (ICOED’16), Volume 23, Number 2, Feb 2017. Available on
  17. T. Mantoro, Evi Maulida Fitri, Rusdah, Media A. Ayu, Wendi Usino, The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Toward Learning Process and Students’ Attitudes, Advanced Science Letter (ICOED’16), Volume 23, Number 2, Feb 2017. Available on
  18. T. Mantoro, Arry Andryani, Ratna Dewanti, Media A. Ayu, Promoting Autonomous Learning Using ICT in School Setting – Constructivist Perspectives, Advanced Science Letter (ICOED’16), Volume 23, Number 2 , Feb 2017. Available on
  19. S. M. Hussein and S. A. Shariff and T. Mantoro, Awareness of the use of Smart School Management System, Advanced Science Letter, Volume 23, Number 2, Feb 2017. Available on
  20. A. S. Alkalbani, Mantoro T. and D. Satyanarayana, Energy-Distance Aware Clustering Scheme (E-DACS) for Wireless Sensor Networks, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 463, 2016, Pages 277-292 (IC2IT, Khon Kaen, Thailand). 2016. (Scopus, etc.)
  21. Alkalbani, A., S., Mantoro T., & Tap, A., M., (2016). Improved Modified Reputation-Base Trust (IMRT) for WSN Security, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9, Issue 37, pp. 1-10. DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i37/92135 available on (Scopus, WoS, etc.)
  22. Zay A.Z.Z., Nor R. M., Razi M.J. M. , Mantoro T. , Ayu M.A., "NFC Based Attendance: More Than Just a Touch", Journal Teknologi, Vol 78, No 9-3, pp.69-78. 2016. Available on jurnalteknologi/article/view/9720 (Scopus, etc.).
  23. S. M. Hussein and S. A. Shariff and Mantoro T., Awareness of the use of Smart School Management System, Accepted for publication on Advanced Science Letter, 2016. (ICOED 2016).
  24. M. Wahdeen, S. Chuprat and Mantoro T., Utilization of Mobile Phone Sensors for Complex Human Activity Recognition, Accepted for publication on the 2016 International Conference on Computer, Communication, and Control Technology (I4CT'2016) and will be published in Advanced Science Letter (2016).
  25. Mantoro T., I. N. Suryasa, S. Moedjiono, M. R. Nugroho, Automatic Early Warning for Vehicles Accidents Based on User Location, Accepted for publication on Advanced Science Letter, 2016 (ISTIE 2016).
  26. Mantoro T., D. Fitriani, W. Usino, M. A. Ayu, Rusdah, The Use of Learning Management System (LMS) for College Students to Become an Active Learner: Constructivism View, Accepted for publication on Advanced Science Letter, 2016. (ICOED 2016).
  27. Mantoro T., P. Utami, R. Dewanti, W. S. A. Yudhi, M. A. Ayu, Personal and Technology-Related Characteristics of EFL Teachers Concerning the Use of Emerging Technologies in Education, Accepted for publication on Advanced Science Letter, 2016. (ICOED 2016).
  28. Mantoro T., E. M. Fitri, Rusdah, M. A. Ayu, Wendi Usino, The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Toward Learning Process and Students' Attitudes, Accepted for publication on Advanced Science Letter, 2016. (ICOED 2016).
  29. Mantoro T., A. Andryani, R. Dewanti, M. A. Ayu, Promoting Autonomous Learning Using ICT in School Setting - Constructivist Perspectives, Accepted for publication on Advanced Science Letter, 2016. (ICOED 2016).
  30. Abubakar A., Mantoro T., Moedjiono S., Chiroma H., Waqas A., Abdulhamid S. M., Hamza M. F., "A Support Vector Machine Classification of Computational Capabilities of 3D Map on Mobile Device for Navigation Aid", Accepted for publication in International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), January 2016. (Scopus, etc.)
  31. T. S. Safitry, Mantoro T., M. A. Ayu, I. Mayumi, R. Dewanti, S. Azmeela "Teachers' Perspectives and Practices in Applying Technology to Enhance Learning in the Classroom" Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) Vol. 10, No. 3, 2015. (Scopus, etc.)
  32. Alkalbani A, AOM Tap, T Mantoro, "Optimal Energy Aware Routing Path (OEARP) for Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 9 (1), pp. 23-30. 2015. (Scopus, etc.)
  33. Mantoro T., M. Akhtaruzzaman, M. Mahmud, M. A. Ayu, "Design and Development of an Interactive Monitoring System for Pilgrims in Congregation of Hajj Ritual", JCIT: Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 28-57, 2015 (Scopus, etc.).
  34. Alkalbani A., Abu Osman Md. Tab., Mantoro T., Evaluated Reputation-Based Trust For WSN Security, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Vol 70, Issue 3, pp 434-442, Dec 2014 (Scopus, etc.).
  35. Apriyanti D., Mantoro T., Ayu. M.A."Public School Teachers' Belief and Attitude on Teaching with Technology to Promote Primary Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills", Journal of Education and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 47-57. Dec. 2014. ISSN: 2354-8533.
  36. Abubakar A., Ameri S., Ibrahim S., Mantoro T. "A Navigation-Aided Framework for 3D Map Views On Mobile Devices", International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), Vol 9, Issue 9, pp.112-118. ISSN: 1828-6003, e-ISSN: 1828-6011. (Scopus, etc.).
  37. Moedjiono S., Kusdaryono A., Mantoro T., Energy Efficient Base Station Assisted Cluster Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks (BCRP), Journal of Advancement in Computing Technology (IJACT), Vol 6, No. 4, 2014. pp. 1-13,(Scopus, DBLB, etc.).
  38. Moedjiono S., Rifai A., Mantoro T. "A Secure Steganography Approach For Audio Signals Hiding In Image File With Unique Value Embedding Using Codebook" Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Vol 66, No. 2. pp. 533-541, 2014. (Scopus, DBLB, etc.).
  39. Moedjiono S., Kusdaryono A., Mantoro T., Wireless Sensor Network Energy Efficient Layer based on Hierarchical Routing Protocol (LHRP) Optimization, Journal of Convergen Information Technology (JCIT), Vol 9, No. 4, 2014. pp. 12-22. (Scopus, etc.).
  40. Abubakar A., Moedjiono S., Mantoro T., Zeki A., Chiroma H., Empirical Investigation of Visualization Quality for 3D Objects of 3D Map on Mobile Device for Navigation Aid, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Vol 63 No.2, p.372-380. 2014, ISSN: 1992-8645, E-ISSN:1817-3195. (Scopus, DBLB, etc.).
  41. Saif A.F.M.S. , Prabuwono A.S., Zainal Rasyid Mahayuddin Z.R,. Mantoro T. Vision Based Human Face Recognition Using Extended Principal Component Analysis, International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), Vol. 5, Issue 4.
  42. Alkalbani A., Mantoro T., Tap A. O., Modified Reputation-Base Trust (MRT) For WSN Security, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, JATIT, Vol 56 No.2, p.417-427. ISSN: 1992-8645, E-ISSN:1817-3195. (Scopus, etc.).
  43. Mantoro T., Ibrahim A. A., Ayu M.A., 3D Maps in Mobile Devices: Pathway Analysis for Interactive Navigation Aid, the International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), Vol 5, Issue 3, IGI Global, ISSN: 1937-9412, ISSN: 1937-9404, Sept 2013. (Scopus, DBLB, etc.).
  44. Mantoro T., Hanggoro W., Ayu M.A., Web-based Mobile Client and Server Grid Data Service for Accessing High Resolution Weather Information, the Internetworking Indonesia Journal - MIT, Vol 5/No. 1, 2013. (Scopus, Elsevier, etc.).
  45. Mantoro T., Prihastomo, Y., Ayu. M.A. Intellectual Property Right Dissemination Service Based on the Mobile User Location In Indonesia, the Internetworking Indonesia Journal - MIT, Vol 5/No. 1, 2013. (Scopus, Elsevier, etc.).
  46. Bahama N, Prabuwono A.S., Mantoro T., Reconnaissance Attack on IPv6 to IPv4 Tunneling, International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), Vol 5, Issue 1, IGI Global, ISSN: 1937-9412, ISSN: 1937-9404, April 2013. (Scopus, DBLB, etc.).
  47. Mantoro T., Ayu M. A., Brotosaputro G, Ain N. F., Ghazali N., "NFC Secured Online Transaction in Mobile Computing Business", WSEAS - International Journal of Computers and Communications, Issue 4, Volume 6, 2012, pp. 265-272 (Scopus, Compendex®, etc.).
  48. Wendi U., Mantoro T., Ayu M. A., Harjanto N. Secured Knowledge Sharing and Creation Using RBAC Model for e-Village, WSEAS Transactions of Computers, Issue 4, Volume 6, 2012. pp. 248-256 (Scopus, Compendex®, etc.).
  49. Mantoro T., Ayu, M. A. , A. F. Bidin, S. A. Norhanipah Framework for Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to Support the IPv6 Infrastructure. International Journal Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) Vol.2 No.9, February 2013.
  50. Awang H.P., Prabuwono A.S., Huda S. N., Nasrudin M.F., Shohaimi M.S., Mantoro T., Adaptive Robot Soccer Defence Strategy via Behavioural Trail. Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) 2012.
  51. Huda S.N., Sudin M.N., Prabuwono A.S., Mantoro T., License Plate Detection and Segmentation Using Cluster Run Length Smoothing Algorithm. Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) 2012.
  52. Ayu M. A., Ismail S. A., Matin A. F. A., Mantoro T., A comparison study of classifier algorithms for mobile-phone's accelerometer based activity recognition, IRIS 2012, Procedia Engineering 41 ( 2012 ) 224 - 229.
  53. Mantoro T., Zakariya A., Securing E-mail Communication Using Hybrid Cryptosystem on Android-based Mobile Devices, TELKOMNIKA - Journal of Electrical Engineering 10 (4), August 2012.
  54. Mantoro T., Ayu, M. A., M. Mahmud, Hajj Crowd Tracking System in a Pervasive Environment, International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), Vol 4, Issue 2, IGI Global, ISSN: 1937-9412, ISSN: 1937-9404, May 2012.
  55. Adamu A.I., Mantoro T., M.A Shafi'i Dynamic Interactive 3D Mobile Navigation Aid, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Vol 37 (2), (E-ISSN 1817-3195 / ISSN 1992-8645), March 2012.
  56. Mantoro T., Ayu M. A., Raman S. H., Latiff N. H. M., Particle Filter Approach for Estimating Indoor Mobile User Location Using IEEE 802.11 Signals, Advanced Science Letters, SCIE, (IF:1.253), ISSN: 1936-6612, March 2012.
  57. Wendi U., Mantoro T., M.A. Ayu, N. Harjanto, Secured Knowledge Sharing and Creation Using RBAC Model for e-Village, The 10th WSEAS/NAUN International Journal on Computers, 2012.
  58. Mantoro T., Mercic M., Ayu M.A., BBQE: Multi-language String Search Approach for Blackberry Environment, Informatics Engineering and Information Science Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 252, issue 3, pp. 349-359, 2011. (Indexing by Scopus, etc. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25453-6_31)
  59. Mantoro T., Ayu M.A., Borovac A., GPS Based Tracking Framework for Walking Pedestrian, Informatics Engineering and Information Science Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 252, issue 3, pp. 337-348, 2011. (Indexing by Scopus, etc. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25453-6_30)
  60. Mantoro T., Miliši?, A., Ayu, M. A., Secured Online Monetary Transaction Using NFC-enabled Mobile Phones Pre-selected for publication in IJITCT, July 2011.
  61. Mantoro T., Milisic, A., Ayu, M.A., Online Authentication Using Smart-Card Technology in Mobile Phone Infrastructure, International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC),Volume 3, Issue 4, IGI Global, ISSN: 1937-9412, ISSN: 1937-9404, pp. 67-83, September 2011. (Indexed by Scopus, etc.)
  62. Mantoro T., A. Olowolayemo, S. O. Olatunji, Ayu, M. A., A. O. M. Tap, Extreme Learning Machine for User Location Prediction in Mobile Environment The International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (IJPCC) Vol 7 Issue 2, Emerald Publisher, July 2011. (Article no: 393721/137342).
  63. Mantoro T., M. A. Ayu, "Toward the Recognition of User Activity Based on User Location in Ubiquitous Computing Environments". The International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), ISSN: 1985-1533 (Online-Open Access) Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008.
  64. Mantoro T., W. Usino, Andriansyah. "CULo: Coordinates User Location System for Indoor Localisation". The ISAST Transactions Journals on Communications and Networking, ISSN 1797-0989, No. 1, Vol. 2, 2008, pp 1-7.
  65. Mantoro T., "Artificial Neural Network: Is It Able to Compete with Human Brain?", Journal SWARA, No.1-2/Thn 3/1998, ISSN 1410-0223, Jakarta, Indonesia, July, 1998.
  66. Mantoro T. "Artificial Neural Network: Pattern Recognizing Process", Journal SWARA, No.1-2/Thn 3/1998, ISSN 1410-0223, Jakarta, Indonesia, July, 1998.
  67. Mantoro T., Imelda "The Application of Turing Machine Algorithm in Solving Simple Mathematical Model", Journal Padma, Vol. 1 No. 3, ISSN 1410-8194, Jakarta, Indonesia, September, 1998.
  68. Mantoro T, T. Kuncoro, "The Application of Fuzzy Logic in Multiple Traffic Lights Problem", Journal Padma, Vol. 1 No. 1, ISSN 1410-8194, Jakarta, Indonesia, February, 1998.
  69. Mantoro T., M. A. Ayu "Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as A Tool in Decision Making", Journal SWARA, No.3/Thn I/1996, ISSN 1410-0223, Jakarta, Indonesia, August, 1996.
  70. Mantoro T., "Package Radio: An Alternative in Using Internet with Lower Cost", Journal SWARA, No.1/Thn I/1996, ISSN 1410-0223, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 May, 1996.

Conference Papers

  1. Irawan E., Mantoro T., Ayu M.A., Bhakti M.A.C., Permana I.K.Y.T, Political Issue Reaction Analysis in Social Media using Hierarchical Clustering and K-Means, International Conference on Advances In Computing, Communication and Automation, Uttar Pradesh, India, 29-30 November 2019.
  2. Kristiadi D. P.; Hasanudin M.; Sutrisno; Salim J.; Gunawan M. G.; Laurence A.; Chandra A.; Warnars H. L. H. S.; T. Mantoro, Mobile Patient Application for Outpatient, 2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Semarang, 23-24 October 2019.
  3. Kristiadi D. P. Salim J.; Gunawan M.G.; Laurence A.; Warnars H. L. H. S.; T. Mantoro, Mediforan: Integrated Nation-wide Mobile Patient Portal in Indonesia 2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Semarang, 23-24 October 2019.
  4. Cutifa Safitri, Yoshihide Yamad, Shidrokh Goudarzi, Teddy Mantoro, Media Anugerah Ayu. Bio-Inspired Algorithm for QoS Optimization in Information-Centric Networking, The 4rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, NTU-Singapore, 11-13 April 2019.
  5. Rena Nuravianty, Dana Indra Sensuse, Fadhil Dzulfikar, Teddy Mantoro, Mei Lestari, Rahman Abdillah. The Readiness of Adopting E-Governement: Asystematic literature review, The 4rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, NTU-Singapore, 11-13 April 2019.
  6. I Made Artha Agastya, Dini Oktarina Dwi Handayani, Teddy Mantoro. A Systematic Literature Review of Deep Learning Algorithms for Personality Trait Recognition, The 4rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, NTU-Singapore, 11-13 April 2019.
  7. Sony Surya Wijaya, Media Anugerah Ayu, Teddy Mantoro. Providing Real-time Crime Statistics in Indonesia Using Data Mining Approach, The 4rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, NTU-Singapore, 11-13 April 2019.
  8. K. Houria, Z. Youssef and T. Mantoro, Hybrid Watermark Fingerprint Algorithm for H.264 Compressed Video, The 4rd Internetional Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 September 2018.
  9. R. Abdillah, T.Mantoro, M.A. Ayu, Sport, International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Palembang, Indonesia, 17-18 October 2018.
  10. D. R. Hertina and T. Mantoro,  Verification Authenticity Digital Documents of Certificate and Transcript Using Background Subtraction Method, International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Palembang, Indonesia, 17-18 October 2018.
  11. T. Mantoro, M. A.  Ayu and I M. A. Priyatna, Security Scheme for Medical Images Based on Dual-Layer Fragile Watermarking, International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Palembang, Indonesia, 17-18 October 2018.
  12. A. Olowolayemo, A. A. Alarood, S. N. Yap and T. Mantoro, SPOT: A Low Cost Intelligent Parking System for Urban Malls, International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Palembang, Indonesia, 17-18 October 2018.
  13. T. Mantoro, M. A. Ayu, Suhendi, Multi-Faces Recognition Process Using Haar Cascades and Eigenface Methods, the 6th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS 2018.
  14. N. Aziz, T. Mantoro, An Overview of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Its Security Threats, The 4rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 September 2018.
  15. A. Olowolayemo, K. Harun and T.Mantoro, University Based Job Recommender & Alumni System, The 4rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 September 2018.
  16. A. Alkalbani and T. Mantoro, An Energy Efficient Data Gathering for Wireless Sensor Networks, The 4rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 September 2018.
  17. A. Olowolayemo, S. D. Nawi and T. Mantoro, Short Answer Scoring in English Grammar using Text Similarity Measurement, The 4rd Internetional Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 September 2018.
  18. G. Borg, Z.Javaid, M. Blacksell, P. Redman, T.Mantoro, M. Ayu, D. Tempra and M. Artiyasa, ANU-MIMO: A Community Wireless Network Infrastructure for Remote Populations, The 4rd Internetional Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 September 2018.
  19. S. J. Putra, T. Mantoro and M. N. Gunawan, Text Mining for Indonesian Translation of the Quran: A Review,  3rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 November 2017.
  20. T  Mantoro and F. Alfiah, Comparison Method of DCT, DWT and FFT Techniques Approach on Lossy Image Compression, 3rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 November 2017.
  21. I. M. A. Priyatna, L. P. E. Yani, S. R. Trisnanto, I G. B. N. E Darmaputra, A. A. K. R. Maldini and T. Mantoro, The Potential Implementation of ‘DEGALANTIL’ using Fuzzy Logic Analysis, 3rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 November 2017.
  22. T. Mantoro, M. A. Ayu and Y. Anggraini,      The Performance of Text File Compression Using Shanno-Fano and Huffman on Small Mobile Devices, 3rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 November 2017.
  23. T. Mantoro and Y. Lazuardi, SMS Based Home Appliance Security Approach Using ROT 13, RC4 and RSA Algorithm, 3rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 November 2017.
  24. Y. N. Dewi, D. Riana and T. Mantoro, Weighted Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Method to Improve Naïve Bayes Performance In Single Image Pap Smear, 3rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 November 2017 (Best Paper).
  25. Teddy Mantoro, Media A. Ayu, Mamoditya R. Nugroho, “NLOS and LOS of the 28 GHz Bands Millimeter-Wave in 5G Cellular Networks“, 3rd International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 November 2017.
  26. A. Alkalbani and T. Mantoro, Security Comparison between Dynamic & Static WSN for 5G, 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Jayapura, Indonesia, 1-3 November 2017.
  27. H. Agung and T. Mantoro, Testing The Best Queue Method For Internet Network in Cibuntu Tourist Village, 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Jayapura, Indonesia, 1-3 November 2017.
  28. T. Mantoro and Y. Lazuardi, Increasing Messenger Service Capability and Security on Mobile Devices Using Hybrid Compression-HR2 Algorithm, 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Jayapura, Indonesia, 1-3 November 2017.
  29. H. A. Pradana, B. S. Riza, M. Naseer, D. Soetarno and T. Mantoro, The Effect of e-CRM towards Service Quality and Net Benefits Using Structure Equation Modeling, 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Jayapura, Indonesia, 1-3 November 2017.
  30. T. Mantoro, W. Istiono, Detection Water Level in Smart-Home's Bathtub In Saving Water Using Fuzzy Ultrasonic Approach, 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Jayapura, Indonesia, 1-3 November 2017.
  31. M. Mobark, S.Chuprat and T. Mantoro, Improving the Accuracy of Complex Activities Recognition Using Accelerometer-Embedded Mobile Phone Classifiers, 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Computing, Jayapura, Indonesia, 1-3 November 2017.
  32. S. J. Putra, M. N. Gunawan, I. Khalil, T. Mantoro, Sentence boundary disambiguation for Indonesian language. iiWAS 2017, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 587-590.
  33. A.Z. Zuhedy Zay, R. Mohd No, M.J. Mohamed Razi, T. Mantoro, M.A. Ayu, NFC Based Attendance: More Than Just a Touch, 4th International Conference on Research & Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS 2016), 9th December 2016.
  34. Mantoro T., L. Dasuha, Car to Car Communication using Method Co-operative Mobility Services of the Future (CoMoSeF), the 5th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems IEEE Conference Palm Plaza Hotel, Marrakech - Morocco September 29 - October 1st, 2016.
  35. M. Reza, Mantoro T., Performance Analysis of AODV and DSDV Using SUMO, MOVE and NS2, the First International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC 2016), 28-29 Oct 2016, Lombok, Indonesia.
  36. Mantoro T., M.A. Ayu, U. Abdulla, M. Muhic, M. AbdulBagi, VisUN-3D: User Navigation with Visualized 3D Maps for Mobile Users, the First International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC 2016), 28-29 Oct 2016, Lombok, Indonesia.
  37. Mantoro T., J. Asian, M.A. Ayu, Improving the Performance of Translation Process in Statistical Machine Translator Using Sequence IRSTLM Translation Parameters and Pruning, the First International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC 2016), 28-29 Oct 2016, Lombok, Indonesia.
  38. Mantoro T., D. D. Permadi, Stegano-Image as a Digital Signature to Improve Security Authentication System in Mobile Computing, the First International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC 2016), 28-29 Oct 2016, Lombok, Indonesia.
  39. A. Alkalbani, Mantoro T., Residual Energy Effects on Wireless Sensor Networks (REE-WSN), the First International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC 2016), 28-29 Oct 2016, Lombok, Indonesia.
  40. M.A. Ayu, S. A. Ismail, Mantoro T., Real time activity recognition in mobile phones based on accelerometer data, the First International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC 2016), 28-29 Oct 2016, Lombok, Indonesia.
  41. Mantoro T., Laurentinus, N. Agani, M. A. Ayu, Improving the Security Guarantees, Authenticity and Confidentiality in Short Message Service of Mobile Applications, The 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2016), Bandung, Indonesia, 26-28 April 2016.
  42. Mantoro T. , M. I. Wahyudi, M.A. Ayu and W. Usino "Real-time Printed Document Authentication Using Watermarked QR Code", The Fourth International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, and Digital Forensic (CyberSec 2015), 29-31 October, 2015.
  43. A. S. Alkalbani, Mantoro T., S. Moedjiono and M. A. Ayu , "Hybrid Solution for Secured and Energy Aware Routing Path In Wireless Sensor Networks", The Fourth International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, and Digital Forensic (CyberSec 2015), 29-31 October, 2015.
  44. C. Danuputri, Mantoro T. and M. Hardjianto, "Data Security Using LSB Steganography and Vigenere Chiper in an Android Environment", The Fourth International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, and Digital Forensic (CyberSec 2015), 29-31 October, 2015.
  45. A.S. Alkalbani, Tap A. O. M. and Mantoro T. "Improved Modified Reputation-Base Trust (IMRT) for WSN Security" The 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing and Computational Mathematics 2015 (ICSCCM 2015) 10-11 December 2015.
  46. Mantoro T., C. E. Putri, Moedjiono S., Ayu M. A., Interactive Learning in the ICT-based Classroom Environment, the Fourth International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE2015), 10-12 September 2015.
  47. Mantoro T., Feriadi, N. Agani, M. A. Ayu, D. Jatikusumo. "Location Aware - Mobile Crime Information Framework for Fast Tracking Response to Accidents and Crimes in Big Cities". 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies (ACSAT 2014) - 29-30 Dec 2014 (indexing by Scopus, etc.)
  48. A. Olowolayemo., Tab. A.O.M, Mantoro T., Linguistic Approximations of Distances for Indoor Location Authority, The 5th Information and Communication Technology for the Muslims World (ICT4M) 2014, Kucing, Serawak, Malaysia, 17-19 November 2014.
  49. Mantoro T., Mahmod S.M., Ayu M.A., Securing the Authentication and Message Integrity for Smart Home using Smart Phone, The 4th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'14), Marakesh, Morroco, April 14-16 2014. (Scopus, DBLB, ISI, etc.).
  50. Alfisahrin S. N. N. and Mantoro T. Data Mining Techniques For Optimatisation of Liver Disease Clasification, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies (ACSAT 2013), Kuching, Malaysia, 22-24 December 2013.
  51. Sobri A M., Mantoro T. "Improved Character Format Accuracy with Server-based Mobile OCR", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies (ACSAT 2013), Kuching, Malaysia, 22-24 December 2013.
  52. Mantoro T., Adnan M. A. M., "Secured Communication Between Mobile Devices And Smart Home Appliances", Computer Science Applications and Technologies (ACSAT 2013), Kuching, Malaysia, 22-24 December 2013.
  53. Mantoro T., N.A Aziz, N. D. M. Yusoff, N. A. A. Talib, Log Visualization of Intrusion and revention Reverse Proxy Server Against Web Attacks, International Conference on Informatics and Creative Multimedia 2013 (ICICM'13), Kuala Lumpur, 3-6 September 2013 (Best Paper Award).
  54. Mantoro T. Surelator: Machine Translation of English and Bahasa Indonesia based on Sequence Optimum Quality Translation Variables, The International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT-2013), Yogyakarta, 16-18 June 2013.
  55. Mantoro T., Chandra R., Ayu M.A., An Integration of Wireless Sensor Network and Cloud Computing to Support a Telemedicine System, The International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT-2013), Yogyakarta, 16-18 June 2013.
  56. Ayu, M. A., Matin, A. F. A., Mantoro T., Context Awareness through Analyzing Accelerometer and GSM Data in Mobile Phones, The 2013 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT-2013), Yogyakarta, 16-18 June 2013.
  57. Ravan R. R., Mantoro T., Liastani S., Quantitative Physical Security, The 2nd 2013 Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics (ICCSII 2013), Bandung, Indonesia.
  58. Haznan S. N., Ayu M.A., Mantoro T., (2013) CAPWAP Protocol and Context Transfer to Support Seamless Handover, The 9th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, Bangkok, 9-11 May 2013 (indexed by ISI Proceedings, DBLP, SCOPUS, Springerlink, etc.).
  59. Mantoro T., Asian J., Octavian R., Searching for Optimal Evaluation of an Example-Based Machine Translation for English to Bahasa Indonesia, The 4th Information and Communication Technology for The Muslims World (ICT4M) 2013,Rabat, Morocco, 25-27 March 2013.
  60. Alkalbani A., Mantoro T., Tap A. O., Energy Consumption Evaluation in Trust and Reputation models for Wireless Sensor Networks, The 4th Information and Communication Technology for The Muslims World (ICT4M) 2013,Rabat, Morocco, 25-27 March 2013.
  61. Mantoro T., Abubakar A., Ayu M. A., Haruna C., Pedestrian Position and Pathway in the Design of 3D Mobile Interactive Navigation Aid, The 10th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2012), Bali, Indonesia, 3-5 December 2012.
  62. Mantoro T., Feriadi, Jatikusumo D., Agani Z, Mobile Crime Information Assistance with Location Aware Capability, The International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies - ACSAT2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-26 November 2012.
  63. Mantoro T., Ayu M. A., Candra R, Agani Z, Wireless Sersor Devices Based Mobile Cloud Computing for e-Health Systems, Accepted for presentation on CEWIT 2012, Korea, 4-5 November 2012.
  64. Mantoro T., Prihastomo Y.. Intellectual Property Rights Information System with Location Aware Capability. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics (ICCSII 2012), Bandung, Indonesia, 23-26 September 2012.
  65. Mantoro T., Hanggoro W., Ayu. M. A. Mobile Grid Data Access for High Resolution Weather Information Services. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics (ICCSII 2012), Bandung, Indonesia, 23-26 September 2012.
  66. Mantoro T., Ayu M. A., Jatikusumo D. Live Video Streaming for Mobile Devices: An application on Android Platform. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering (URKE 2012), August 2012.
  67. Zeki, A.M.; Alsafi, H.; Nassr, R.M.; Mantoro, T. "A mobile dictionary for pilgrims". Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and e-Services (ICITeS), 2012 , Page(s): 1 - 5.
  68. Ayu M. A., Mantoro T., Ismail S.A. Zulkifly N. S., Rich Information Service Delivery to Mobile Users Using Smart Posters, Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and Its Applications (DICTAP 2012), Bangkok, Thailand, 16-18 May 2012.
  69. Asian J., Mantoro T. "Optimum Mechanism for Good Quality Translations Evaluation in IRSTLM Language Modelling", Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Malay and Indonesian Language Engineering (MALINDO) 2012, 21st June, 2012, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  70. Ibrahim A., Mantoro T., Unveiling the Support of 3D Representation in Mobile Devices for Pedestrians Navigation Aid, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Tangier, Morocco, 10-12 May 2012.
  71. Mantoro, T., Ayu M.A.,Borovac A., Zuhra A. IPv4 and IPv6 Server Designs: The Sockets Performance, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Tangier, Morocco, 10-12 May 2012.
  72. Alkalbani A. S., Mantoro, T., Md. Tap, A. O., Improving the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Routing Power Factors, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2012) , Dubai, UEA, 24-26 April 2012.
  73. Mantoro T., Ayu M.A., Usino W., Kadhum M. M., Ali H. S., Energy Efficiency Mechanisms Using Mobile Node in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2012), Dubai, UEA, 24-26 April 2012.
  74. Mantoro, T., Ayu M.A., Elbara, Mobile Web-enabled in Smarthome Wireless Node Infrastructure, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM-2011), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 5-7 December 2011.
  75. A. Abubakar, Mantoro, T., Ayu, M. A. , I. Khalil, M. Mahmud, Exploring End-User Preferences of 3D Mobile Interactive Navigation Design, ERPAS 2011 Workshop - The 9th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM-2011), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 5-7 December 2011.
  76. Mantoro T., Ayu M.A., Brotosaputro G, Ain N. F., Gazali N., Secured Mobile Transaction Using NFC Technology: Top-Up Printing System, The 10th WSEAS International Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ISP '11), Jakarta, Indonesia. 1-3 December 2011.
  77. Wendi U., Mantoro T., M.A. Ayu, N. Harjanto, Role Based Access Control for Knowledge Sharing in Remote Areas, The 10th WSEAS International Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ISP '11), Jakarta, Indonesia. 1-3 December 2011.
  78. D. Anubhakti, B. H. Prasetyo, Mantoro T., N. Harjanto, Developing Village Computer Network and Data Communication for Supporting E-Village at Cipadu Village, Tangerang Region, The 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2011), 15-17 November 2011, Bali, Indonesia.
  79. Mantoro T.,W. Usino, H. S. Ali, M.A. Ayu, Energy Efficiency Mechanism Using Mobile-Based Fermat's Spiral in WSN, The 11th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS '11), Penang, Malaysia 3-5 October 2011.
  80. Mantoro T., Ayu M.A., Raman S. H., Latiff N. H. M., "Multi-observers of Particle Filter Approach for Estimating Indoor Mobile User Location Using IEEE 802.11 Signals", The Premier International Technical Conference of IEEE Region 11 (TENCON 2011), Bali, Indonesia, 21-24 November, 2011.
  81. Mantoro T., Abubakar A., Ayu M.A., " 3D Mobile Navigation for Dynamic Users Interaction" The Premier International Technical Conference of IEEE Region 11 (TENCON 2011), Bali, Indonesia, 21-24 November, 2011.
  82. Ayu M.A., Mantoro T.," An Example-Based Machine Translation approach for Bahasa Indonesia to English: An experiment using MOSES", The 2011 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2011), Langkawi, Malaysia, 25 - 28 September 2011.
  83. Mantoro T., Abubakar A., Ayu M.A., "Multi-User Navigation: A 3D Mobile Device Interactive Support", The 2011 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2011), Langkawi, Malaysia, 25 - 28 September 2011.
  84. Mantoro T., Milisic. A, Ayu M.A., "Online Payment Procedure Involving Mobile Phone Network Infrastructure and Devices", The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11), 7-9 April 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco. (Indexed by IEEE Xplore).
  85. Mantoro T., S.A. Norhanipah, A. F. Bidin, "An Implementation on Domain Name System Security Extensions Framework for the Support of IPv6 Environment", The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11), 7-9 April 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco. (Indexed by IEEE Xplore).
  86. Mantoro T., A. D. Jaafar, M. F. Aris, Ayu M.A., "HajjLocator: A Hajj Pilgrimage Tracking Framework in Crowded Ubiquitous Environment", The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11), 7-9 April 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco. (Indexed by IEEE Xplore).
  87. Ahmed A., Mantoro T., "A User Profile for Information Filtering Using RFID-SIM Card in Pervasive Network", The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11), 7-9 April 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco. (Indexed by IEEE Xplore).
  88. Ayu M.A., Mantoro T., A.F. Matin, S. A. Basamh "Recognizing User Activity Based on Accelerometer Data From a Mobile Phone", The IEEE Symposium on Computer and Informatics (ISCI 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21 - 22 March 2011.
  89. Mantoro T., A. Ibrahim, "Pragmatic Framework of 3D Visual Navigation for Mobile User" Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Digital infoTainment and Visualization (IWDTV 2010), Jakarta, Indonesia, 13-14 December 2010.
  90. Alkalbani A. S., Mantoro T., Md. Tap, A.O., "Comparison between Hardware and Software Implementation for WSNs Security Schemes" Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Digital infoTainment and Visualization (IWDTV 2010), Jakarta, Indonesia, 13-14 December 2010.
  91. Mantoro T., A. Olowolayemo, O. Sunday O, "Mobile User Location Determination using Extreme Learning Machine" Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on ICT for Muslim (ICT4M 2010), Jakarta, Indonesia, 13-14 December 2010. [Best paper award].
  92. Mantoro T., A. Milišic, " Smart Card Authentication for Internet Applications Using NFC Enabled Phone" Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on ICT for Muslim (ICT4M), Jakarta, Indonesia, 13-14 December 2010.
  93. Mantoro T., Ayu M.A., Habul E., Khasanah A. U., "SURVNVOTE: A Free Web Based Audience Response System to Support Interactivity in the Classroom" Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-8 December 2010. (Indexed by Scopus, IEEE Xplore).
  94. Mantoro T., Ayu M.A., "Improving the Accuracy of Indoor User Location Using IEEE 802.11 Signals" The Premier International Technical Conference of IEEE Region 10 (TENCON 2010), Fukuoka, Japan, 21-24 November 2010. (Indexed by Scopus, IEEE Xplore).
  95. Ayu M.A., Mantoro T., "Analyzing and Managing the Disturbance on a Mining Port Stockyard System" Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2010), Penang, Malaysia, 3-6 Oct 2010. (Indexed by Scopus, IEEE Xplore).
  96. Mantoro T., Muataz Z.Ayu M. " Mobile User Location Prediction: Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach" Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2010), Penang, Malaysia, 3-6 Oct 2010. (Indexed by Scopus, IEEE Xplore).
  97. Mantoro T., Ayu M.A., Nuraini, A, Amin, S. M. "Self-Organizing Map Approach for Determining Mobile User Location Using IEEE 802.11 Signals", Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium On Information Technology (ITSIM) 2010, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 15-17 June 2010. (Indexed by Scopus, IEEE Xplore).
  98. Ayu M.A., Mantoro T., Md. Tap, A. O., Ismail S. A "eSurvia: A Web-Based Survey Service Using Fuzzy Conjoint Analysis" Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium On Information Technology (ITSIM) 2010, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 15-17 June 2010. (Indexed by Scopus, IEEE Xplore).
  99. Mantoro T., A. K. Olowolayemo, ;Mobile User Location Prediction Enabled Services in Ubiquitous Computing: Determination User Location Using MFN Algorithm, The ACM International Symposium Emerging Research Projects, Applications and Services (ERPAS) 2009, 14-16 December 2009. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
  100. Mantoro T., Metrics Evaluation for Context-Aware Computing. The 4th ACM International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Techniques for Ad hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks (IST-AWSN'09). Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 14-16 December 2009.
  101. Mantoro T., H. S. Ali, BitTorrent: Extra-locality P2P Approach for Grid Content Distribution Networks, the ACM International Symposium Emerging Research Projects, Applications and Services (ERPAS) 2009, 14-16 December 2009. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
  102. Mantoro T., S. A. Saharudin, S. Selamat, 3D Interactive Mobile Navigator Structure and 2D Map in Campus Environment Using GPS, The ACM International Symposium Emerging Research Projects, Applications and Services (ERPAS) 2009, 14-16 December 2009. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
  103. Mantoro T., C. W. Johnson, M. A. Ayu, A Framework for Ubiquitous Computing Environment in Providing Intelligent Responses, at The IEEE - 4th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, UBICOMM 2009, Malta, 14-16 October 2009.
  104. Mantoro T., M. Azizan, S. Khairuzzaman, M. A. Ayu, Multi-observers Instance-Based Learning Approach for Indoor Symbolic User Location Determination Using IEEE 802.11 Signals, The IEEE - Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2009), Kuala Lumpur, 4-6 Oct 2009.
  105. M. A. Ayu, K. Taylor, Mantoro T., Active learning: Engaging Students in the Classroom Using Mobile Phones, The IEEE - Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2009), Kuala Lumpur, 4-6 Oct 2009.
  106. Mantoro T., M. A. Ayu, U. Azziz, M. AbdulBagi, VisUN-3D: Visualization of User Navigation Using 3D Maps in Virtual 3D Walk-spaces for Mobile User, Accepted for presentation at The 1st International Visual Informatics Conference 2009 (IVIC'09), Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 11-13 November 2009. This paper, with no clear reason, did not appear in the conference program!!!!
  107. Mantoro T., Metrics Evaluation for Context-Aware Computing. Submitted to The 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Application & Services (iiWAS'09), Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 14-16 December 2009.
  108. Mantoro T., Managing Sensors Data in a Context-Aware Smart Office.The 9th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2007), Jakarta, Indonesia. 3-5 December 2007.
  109. Mantoro T., W. Usino, Andriansyah. CULo: Coordinate User Location Approach for Pervasive Computing Environments. The National Conference of Information System and Technology (SNASTI), Surabaya, Indonesia. 22 August 2007.
  110. Mantoro T., W. Usino. Developing the Accuracy of User Mobility Patterns for Intelligent Environments. The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science & Information Systems, ATINER, Athens, Greece, July 23-24, 2007.
  111. Mantoro T., and C. W. Johnson, A Design Framework for Context-Aware Computing Systems in Providing Intelligent Responses, the Annual Technical Conference of IEEE Region 10 (Tencon.'05), Melbourne, Australia, 21-24 November 2005.
  112. Mantoro T., and C. W. Johnson, Design Space: Enabling 'Unregistered Access User' to His Own Content, the Seventh International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'05) Workshop 6 - The Spaces in-between: Seamful vs. Seamless Interactions, Tokyo, Japan, 11-14 September 2005.
  113. Mantoro T., and C. W. Johnson. nk-Nearest Neighbour algorithm for Estimation of Symbolic User Location in Pervasive Computing Environments. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), Taormina, Italy, June 13-16, 2005.
  114. Mantoro T., Understanding User Activity in Distributed Intelligent Environments, Proceedings of the Third IEEE Conference on Computing and Intelligent System (Kommit'04), ISSN-1411-6286, Jakarta, Indonesia, 14-25 August 2004.
  115. Mantoro T., and C. W. Johnson, DiCPA: Distributed Context Processing Architecture for an Intelligent Environment, Proceedings of the Western Multiconference (WMC): Communication Networks And Distributed Systems Modeling And Simulation Conference (CNDS'04), San Diego, California, 19-22 January 2004.
  116. Mantoro, T., and C. W. Johnson,User Mobility Model in an Active Office, LNCS 2875, Proceedings of the European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (EUSAI'03), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 3-4 November 2003.
  117. Mantoro T., User Location and Mobility for Distributed Intelligent Environment, Adjunct Proceedings, The Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'03), Seattle, Washington, USA, 12-15 October, 2003.
  118. Mantoro T., and C. W. Johnson, Location History in a Low-cost Context Awareness Environment, Proceedings of the Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Australian Computer Science Communications, Volume 25, Number 6, Adelaide, Australia, February 2003.

Book/Book chapters

  1. Mantoro T., Ayu, M.A. "Introduction to Automata Theory and Complexity", Accepted for publication, Graha Ilmu, 2015. Yogjakarta, 178 pages. (pending for publication).
  2. Mohamed N.,Mantoro T., Ayu M.A., Mahmud M. (editor), "Critical Socio-Technical Issues Surrounding Mobile Computing", IGI Global, October 2015.
  3. Olowolayemo A., Tab. A.O.M, Mantoro T., "Linguistic Location Authority: An Intricate Imperative", in Mohammad N., Mantoro T., Media A., Mahmud M. (eds). "Critical Socio-Technical Issues Surrounding Mobile Computing", IGI Global, October 2015.
  4. Ayu M.A., Ahmad B, Mantoro T. "Managing Students' Attendance Using NFC Enabled Mobile Phones", in Mohammad N., Mantoro T., Media A., Mahmud M. (eds). "Critical Socio-Technical Issues Surrounding Mobile Computing", IGI Global, October 2015.
  5. Windihastuty W., Mantoro T., Ayu M.A. "Mobile Water Meter System in Android Environment", in Mohammad N., Mantoro T., Media A., Mahmud M. (eds). "Critical Socio-Technical Issues Surrounding Mobile Computing", IGI Global, October 2015.
  6. Khalil I., Mantoro T. (editor), Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing (Volume 6 of Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence), Atlantis Press (in collaboration with Springer), ISBN 978-94-91216-70-1 (print) , 978-94-91216-71-8 (e-book), ISSN: 1875-7669, Paris, France, 2012.
  7. Modirkhazeni A., Khadhum M., Mantoro T., Mitigation of Wormhole Attach in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Khalil I., Mantoro T. (eds) , Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing, Atlantis Press (in collaboration with Springer), ISBN 978-94-91216-70-1 (print) , 978-94-91216-71-8 (e-book), ISSN: 1875-7669, Paris, France, 2012.
  8. Mantoro T., Ayu, M.A., Mahmud M., Akhtaruzzaman M., (2012) Hajj Pilgrims Tracking and Monitoring System, In Ayu. M.A. (Ed.) The Web: Its Utilisation, Evaluation and Security. IIUM Press. ISBN.: 978-967-418-112-3.
  9. Mantoro T., Ayu, M.A., Haitham, (2012), Featuring The KICT Postgraduate System, In Ayu. M.A. (Ed.) The Web: Its Utilisation, Evaluation and Security. IIUM Press. ISBN.: 978-967-418-112-3.
  10. Abubakar A., Mantoro T. (2012), Web Application Development Process, In Ayu. M.A. (Ed.) The Web: Its Utilisation, Evaluation and Security. IIUM Press. ISBN.: 978-967-418-112-3.
  11. Mantoro T., Ayu, M.A. (2011). User Pro-Activities Based on Context History. In Cruz-Cunha, M. M., & Moreira, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing: Evolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts. (pp. 558-574). doi:10.4018/9781609600426.ch036, IGI Global.
  12. Mantoro T.., Ayu, M.A., & Weyn, M. (2011). Making Location-Aware Computing Working Accurately in Smart Spaces. In Cruz-Cunha, M. M., & Moreira, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing: Evolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts. (pp. 539-557). doi:10.4018/9781609600426.ch035, IGI Global.
  13. Mantoro T., T. "Distributed Context Processing for Intelligent Environments", ISBN: 987-8383-0075-7, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 204 pages, May 2009 (Available at
  14. Mantoro T., Distributed Context Processing for Intelligent Environment, ISSN: 978-8383-075-7 , Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, May 2009, pp. 204. (available at


  15. Mantoro T., "NOS Technical Operation Manual: Connecting a Package Radio Network to Internet using TCP/IP", Penerbit Budi Luhur, University of Budi Luhur, Jakarta, Indonesia, August 1995.