Research Interest
- Context Aware Computing
- Ubiquitous Computing/Pervasive Computing
- Information Security
- Mobile Computing
- Wireless Sensor Network
- Intelligent Environment
- For potential FYP project 2010, click here!
Projects and Awards
Summary of ICT Innovation Awards: 4 Gold, 10 Silver and 11 Bronze Medals (2009-2015). The detail can be downloaded here!
- HajjLocator: An Interactive Monitoring and Tracking System for Hajj Pilgrims.
- Awarded Gold Medal
IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition IRIIE 2012, Culture Activity Centre (CAC)-IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, 21-22 February 2012.- Web-enabled Smart Home Using Wireless Node Infrastructure.
- Awarded Gold Medal
IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition IRIIE 2012, Culture Activity Centre (CAC)-IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, 21-22 February 2012.- Survnvote: A Web Based Audience Response System to Increase Interactivity in the Classroom.
- Awarded Gold Medal
IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition IRIIE 2011, Culture Activity Centre (CAC)-IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, 9-10 February 2011.- iSpeechNews: a Real Time Speech News Service for Ubiquitous Computing Environment.
- Awarded Bronze Medal
International Exposition of Research and Inventions of Institutions of Higher Learning 2009 (PECIPTA 2009), Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, 8-10 Oct 2009), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[compete with 74 selected invention from 20 universities].
Awarded Bronze Medal
IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition IRIIE 2010, Culture Activity Centre (CAC)-IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, 6-7 January 2010.
To view a larger size of the iSpeechNews poster, click here!
iSpeechNews is a prototype which delivers a real-time news service, in the form of graphics and speech news, based on user location for Ubiquitous Computing Environment. The prototype is based on a protocol that requires five important hybrid stacks, i.e. 1. User indentity, 2. User location, 3. A real time news feeder, 4. Speech and dictations systems and 5. Lips phonetic synchronization. The aim is to prove easy interactions in the form of speech between user and the mobile computing environment while the user is on the move.
- iLukBA 1.1: Indoor User Location System for Mobile Users.
- Awarded Bronze Medal
IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition IRIIE 2010, Culture Activity Centre (CAC)-IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, 6-7 January 2010.- iLukBA 1.0: Indoor User Location System in IIUM Buildings.
- Awarded Silver Medal
20th International Invention Inovation and Technology (ITEX'09) Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia, 15-17 May 2009.
To view a larger size of the iLukBA poster, click here!
iLukBA provided a solution for determining indoor symbolic (hierarchical) user location for mobile user. It works with small mobile devices such as PDAs and it is combined with the speech recognition systems on how the environment response delivered using speech recognition based on user location. It has been developed using an advanced and robust algorithm in determining user location for indoor environment which offers location precision accuracy less than a meter. iLukBA is capable to handle the unpredictability of IEEE 802.11 (WiFi) signals across perturbations in space, and in time (diurnally) by considering not only the use of WiFi’s signal strength but also WiFi’s signal quality and WiFi’s noise. iLukBA also provides direct service delivery when a user is on the move from one location to another. The environment response in delivering service is based on the speed of user. Dynamic buffer is created, the buffer size depends on the speed of the user. The faster a user moves, the smaller the buffer in delivering the speech. iLukba is proof of a concept with a low cost smart environment capability, i.e. indoor user location can be determined and the environment response can be delivered using speech recognition based on indoor user location.
- VisUN-3D: Visualization of User Navigation Using 3D Maps in Virtual 3D Walk-spaces for Mobile User.
- Awarded Bronze Medal
Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2010 IIUM, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
To view a larger size of the VisUN-3D poster, click here!
VisUN-3D is a mobile user navigation system using 3D model in a pervasive computing environment. The uniqueness of this wor k is that, we built a visualization of 3D campus maps inside 3D workspace at our campus environment to navigate several users at the same time by using their mobile devices such as PDAs. The 3D rendering and GPS navigation are embedded into various wireless PDA or smart phone devices to allow the navigation of the users. This approach could navigate more than 2 users in a 3D walk-space and at the same time navigate the users by showing their whereabout in 3D projection mapped on the same picture. The map shows the location of the user in the scene to navigate to the location of another user to meet on the same image plane. This approach can be expanded to be used for tracing elderly people with dementia especially Alzheimer disease and missing children.
Doctoral, Master and Undergraduate Student Supervisors
PhD supervisor
- Dr. Adamu Ibrahim (Nigerian).
Topic: Visualization of User Navigation Using 3D Maps in Virtual 3D Walk-spaces for Mobile User (main supervisor, KICT, IIUM, KL-Malaysia graduated his PhD in October 2012).- Dr. Abdullah Said Nasser Alkalbani (Omani).
Topic: Optimization of WSN Secure Routing for Pervasive Computing Environment (PhD, KICT-IIUM, co-supervisor with Prof. Dr. Abu Osman bin Md. Tap, Graduated June 2015)- Dr. Akeem Olowolayemo (Nigerian).
Topic: An Uncertainty Management Paradigm for Location Authority in Location - Aware Systems (KICT-IIUM, co-supervisor with Prof. Dr. Abu Osman bin Md. Tap, Graduated on June 2015)- Abdu Ahmed Osman Mohammed (Sudanese).
Topic: Open Smart Cards for Access Control Protocol, Services and Applications (IIUM, main supervisor, discontinue - family problems-back to his home country - 2010).- Tursun Wali (Chinese), Topic: Ambient Intelligent for e-Health Home and Hospitals. (KICT-IIUM, main supervisor, changed supervisor due to move to other university, April 2013).
- Mustafa Kadim (Iraqi).
Topic: Modeling the Representation of Student Achievement Using Fuzzy Adapting Learning System. (UTM-AIS, Co-supervisor with Dr. Sya Azmeela Syarif, changed supervisor due to move to other university, April 2013).- Mohd. Shawqi (Yemeni).
Topic: Expert System for Migrating Minds (tentative title). (UTM-AIS, Co-supervisor with Dr. Sya Azmeela Syarif, April 2015).
Master/Magister supervisor
- Darmawan Subuh (0631650066). Magister Management Postgraduate Program, (Management Information System), Budi Luhur University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Title of thesis: Kajian Sistem Informasi Akedemik Dalam Memenuhi Kepuasan Pengguna dan Kinerja Karyawan (Assessment of Academic Information Systems in Meeting User Satisfaction and Employee Performance. (Graduated on 25 February 2011).- Umran Azziz Abdula (Kenyan). Topic: Enhancing Accelerometer Activity-Awareness in Smart Phones with GSM Data. (main supervisor, started in December 2010, leading to PhD with ADFA-UNSW, Canberra, Australia).
- Ronal Chandra (1011601026), Postgraduate Computer Science Program, University of Budi Luhur, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Title of thesis: Prototipe Aplikasi Kesehatan Menggunakan Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel Berbasis Komputasi Awan (Prototype of WSN e-Health based on Cloud Computing). (Graduated on 31 August 2012).
- Yoga Prihastomo (1011601026), Magister Computer Science Program, University of Budi Luhur, Jakarta, Indonesia. Title of thesis: Model Layanan Sistem Informasi Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Berbasis Location Awareness Intellectual Property Rights Information Services Model with Location Aware Capability). (Graduated on 31 August 2012).
- Dwiki Jatikusumo, Magister Computer Science Program, University of Budi Luhur, Jakarta, Indonesia, Topic: Video Compression Code for Android Mobile Environment. (Graduated on 31 August 2012).
- Thinzar OO (Myanmar). Topic: Context Aware Computing Theory (Master program, KICT, IIUM, KL, Malaysia. Main supervisor, discontinue, due to the job placement).
- Cutifa Safitri. Topic: Optimization of Cellular Automata for User Location Determination Using IEEE 802.11. (main supervisor -- change mode to master by course due to getting a new job, now she is a PhD student at UTM).
- Haroon Saukat Ali (Pakistani/UK), topic: Hybrid activity recognition development using Accelerometer, GSM, WiFI and Gyro Sensors. (main supervisor -- change mode to master by course due to getting a new job)
- Mohd Faizal Fadzil (Malaysian), Titled: "A Study on Fail Safe Precaution for Aerial Filming using Radio Control Quad-copter" (Master in Software Engineering). Advanced Informatics School, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Graduated on Semester 2 - 2012/2013.
- Ahmad Sahban Rafsanjani (Iranian), Titled: Hybrid Encryption Technology, Master of Computer Science (IT Security). Advanced Informatics School, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Graduated on Semester II 2012/2013.
- Farzrina binti Ramli (Malaysian), Titled: Matlab Documents Encryptor and Decryptor, Master of Computer Science (IT Security). Advanced Informatics School, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Graduated on Semester II 2012/2013.
- Hoda Soltanian Bojnord (Iranian). Titled: Improving A Method For Detecting Sybile Attach In Vehicular Ad Hoc, Network, Master of Computer Science (IT Security). Advanced Informatics School, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Graduated on Semester II 2012/2013.
- Sanam Ghorbani Liyastani (Iranian). Titled: Ehancement Airdrop Security Againt Sniffing Attack, Master of Computer Science (IT Security). Advanced Informatics School, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Graduated on Semester II 2012/2013.
- Farab Alipanah (Iranian). Titled: A Clustering Method Based on Genetic Algorithm To Reduce Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Network, Master of Computer Science (IT Management). Advanced Informatics School, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Graduated on Semester II 2012/2013.
- Mohd Faizal Fadzil (Malaysian). Titled: A Study on Cloud Computing Impact on IT Department Roles, Master of Computer Science (IT Management). Advanced Informatics School, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Graduated on Semester II 2012/2013.
- Pugneswary Panner Selvan (Indian-Malaysian). Titled: Information Security Management - Vulnerabilities Analysis in Organisation, Master of Computer Science (IT Management). Advanced Informatics School, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Graduated on Semester II 2012/2013.
- Achmad Rifai. Titled: "Codebook optimization using lagrange method to improve speaker identification accuracy", Magister of Computer Science, University of Budi Luhur, Graduated on Semester 1 September 2014.
- Federik Manurung, Titled: " Otomatisasi Real Time Smart Home Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma of Divide and Conqure and Free Space Path Loss", Magister of Computer Science, University of Budi Luhur, Graduated on Semester 1 September 2014.
- Deden Ardiansyah. Titled: "Ubiquitous Mobile SCADA Framework for Managing of Critical River Infrastructure Using Worldwide Sensor Web", Magister of Computer Science, University of Budi Luhur, Graduated on Semester 1 September 2015.
- Yayuk Angraini. Titled: "Optimasi Kinerja Kompresi File Teks Menggunakan Kombinasi Algoritma Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), Move-to-Front (MTF) dan Shannon-Fano",Magister of Computer Science, University of Budi Luhur, Graduated on Semester 1 September 2015.
- Desi Rose Hertina (1211601107). Titled: "Verifikasi Keaslian Dokumen Digital Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai Menggunakan Metode Background Subtraction", Magister of Computer Science, University of Budi Luhur, Graduated on Semester 1 September 2015.
Undergraduate - Final Year Project - DCS
- Abi Dzar Bin Jaafar and Mohd Fadhi Bin Md. Aris, Hajj Pilgrimage Tracking and Navigation via GPS-GSM, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (on progress).
- Mohamed Haroon Shoukat Ali, Energy Efficiency of clustered Wireless Sensor Network Through Controlled Base-Station Mobility, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (on progress).
- Merdic Macic, Indoor User Location System in Blackberry Environment for Mobile User, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (on progress).
- Siti Athirah Binti Saharudin, Supiah Binti Selamat, User Navigation Using GPS in IIUM Campus, Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. November 2009.
- Asma Nuraini Binti Remali, Sulafa Binti Mohd. Amin, Location-Aware Computing Using Self-Organizing Map Based on IEEE 802.11 Signals, Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. November 2009.
- Mohd. Firdaus Bin Zahari, Wan Norfardirul B. Wan Rastam Minimum Spanning Tree in Wireless Sensor Network Energy Efficiency, Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. April 2009.
- Ahmad Azizan bin Idris, Salahuddin Bin Wan Khairuzzaman, Indoor Symbolic Location Determination using IEEE 802.11 Signals in Location-Aware Computing. Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. April 2009.
- For more details please click here!
Undergraduate - Industrial Attachment - DCS
- Kazi Zhahzabeen Rahnuma
- Supiah Binti Selamat
- Siti Athirah (IBM)
- Abdul Hadi bin Mad Ali
- Amir Borovac (Integ Lab), iLukBa - ver 1.1
- Haroon Shoukat Ali (Integ Lab)
- Salahuddin Bin Wan Khairuzzaman (Lityan Holdings Berhad and CyberSecurity)
- Umran Azziz (Acenteus Snd Bhd and WB Snd Bhd