Schedule Semester 2 - 2015/2016
- Object Oriented Programming at DCS, Faculty Science and Technology, USBI-Sampoerna University.
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms at DCS, Faculty Science and Technology, USBI-Sampoerna Universit.
- Mobile Computing at Postgraduate program, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Budi Luhur.
Schedule Semester 1 - 2015/2016
- Database Systems at DCS, Faculty Science and Technology, USBI-Sampoerna University.
- Computer Systems Administrator at DCS, Faculty Science and Technology, USBI-Sampoerna University.
- Automata Theory at DCS, Faculty Science and Technology, USBI-Sampoerna Universit.
- Mobile Computing at Postgraduate program, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Budi Luhur.
- ICT and TEFL Methodology at Postgraduate program, Faculty of Art and Language, State University of Jakarta (UNJ).
Schedule Semester 2 - 2014/2015
- Object Oriented Programming at DCS, Faculty Science and Technology, USBI-Sampoerna University.
- GUI for Mobile Computing at DCS, Faculty Science and Technology, USBI-Sampoerna University.
- Database Security at DCS, Faculty Science and Technology, USBI-Sampoerna University.
- Mobile Computing at Postgraduate program, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Budi Luhur.
Schedule Semester 1 - 2014/2015
- Database Systems at DCS, Faculty Science and Technology, USBI-Sampoerna University.
- Mobile Computing at Postgraduate program, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Budi Luhur.
Semester 2 - 2012/2013
- MNN1043: System Design for Security (Embedded Security Design) (Master of Information Security, Department of Information Security), UTM-AIS
- MNN2113: Mobile Computing and System Programming (Master of Software Engineering, Department of Software Engineering), UTM-AIS
Schedule Semester 1 - 2014/2015
- Database Systems at Postgraduate program, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Budi Luhur.
Semester 1 – 2012/2013
- MCM2443: Network, Telecommunication & Internet Security (Master of Information Security, Department of Information Security), UTM-AIS
- MCM1123: System Development Applications (Master of Information Technology – Department of Informatics), UTM-AIS
Semester 2 - 2009/2010
- Object Oriented Programming (CSC-1100)- Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science, KICT, IIUM. (3 classes)
- Network Programming (CSC-4205) - Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science
Semester 1 - 2009/2010
- Mobile Communication (CSC-6250) - Master of IT, postgraduate program in Department of Information Systems
- Access Control (CCSM-5230) - Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Security, Centre of IT Advancement (CITA)
- Network Programming (CSC-4205) - Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science
- Computer Networking (CSC-2201) - Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science
Semester 3 - 2008/2009 (Short Semester)
- Network Programming (CSC-4205) - Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science
Semester 2 - 2008/2009
- Mobile Communication (CSC-6250) - Master of IT, postgraduate program in Department of Information Systems
- Java Programming (CSC-2205) - Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science
- Network Programming (CSC-4205) - Undergraduate, Department of Computer Science